The Study of Challenges pertaining to the Child Bearing in Tehran City with the Emphasis on the Mixed Method

Document Type : Original Article


1 Professor of Azad University, Central Tehran branch

2 Faculty Member of Allameh Tabataba’i University

3 Faculty Member of Azad University, Central Tehran branch


The subject of the present study is concerned with the sociology of child bearing and the purpose is the identification of the factors leading to the control of child bearing. To clarify the research topic, it was taken advantage of the sociological and populace theories as well as the ones related to the women’s independence. The mixed method including qualitative and quantitative methods has been utilized in doing this research. The married women in thehran are the statistical population of this research.
In this section, it was answered to the question regarding the view of women on child bearing and their interpretation out of it. The quantitative interviews on the basis of common interpretations achieved to the main themes of ‘child bearing as re-taught action’. In the survey part, the main question was ‘which of various factors leads to the decision making of people towards having child?’
The multi-variable research clarified that the factors such as the number of answering siblings, the age of marriage, the age difference of spouses, the family’s income, the woman’s amount of education, the women’s cooperation in regard with the decision making towards the family’s affairs, the psychological independence, the attitude towards child, the sexual preference, the attitude towards abortion, the management of the body, the faithfulness and belief towards fate are considered as the effective factors on the child bearing- behavior, ideal and the tendency towards child bearing. The results of study illustrated that child bearing is deemed to be a social reality.



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